At the birth centre

The birth centre is a welcoming space for pregnant women and their families. It is a house in the heart of the community, a physical place separate from the hospital, part of the public health network. This facility, inspired by the home, is designed to accommodate a maximum of 400 complete maternity care per year in order to preserve its intimate, family and human character.

First line perinatal services are offered at the birth centre. This is the main access to services provided by midwives. Women and their families benefit from comprehensive care including pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period. The physical environment of the birth centre and the equipment there promotes and protects the natural and physiological course of pregnancy, childbirth and the welcoming of the newborn. It is a pivotal place for the development of midwifery practice, training and research.

A birth centre is a living environment that meets the needs of the community in which it is established. It develops a social and civic vision of birth that acknowledges that it belongs to women and their families. Families play a leading role in the development and life of the birth centre so that they can feel at home there.

The participation of parents, to whom the establishment provides real means adapted to their reality, is the very foundation of the community character of a birth centre. The creation and maintenance of a parents’ committee are encouraged. Community activities on topics of parenting and health take place there and create solidarity.

This definition was adopted in 2015 by the following organizations:

Professionnelles de la santé reconnuesLe Regroupement Les Sages-Femmes du Québec (RSFQ) Dédié à ses membresEN SAVOIR PLUSLe Regroupement Les Sages-Femmes du Québec (RSFQ) est l'association professionnelle des sages-femmes du Québec. Il travaille au développement de la profession et défend le libre choix des lieux d’accouchement pour les femmes. Alors que l’Ordre des sages-femmes du Québec encadre la profession, le RSFQ est le porte-parole officiel des sages-femmes exerçant leur profession légalement au Québec auprès du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS).

Perinatal services offered on site

Primary perinatal services are offered on site. The main access to services is provided by the midwives. Women and their families receive a complete pregnancy follow-up: prenatal, delivery and postnatal period. This follow-up lasts until 6 weeks after delivery.

A warmful service

If you choose to give birth in a birth center, you will receive a warm and personalized service. The midwife who follows you during your pregnancy should assist you during the delivery and postnatal follow-up. If this is not possible, her teammate, whom you will have met beforehand, will take over.

For the delivery, you will have access to a private room. You will be able to walk, eat, drink and wash if you wish. Your spouse can stay with you at all times.

The delivery usually takes place with respect to your wishes and needs.

Free care is gaining popularity

Since the profession of midwifery was legalized in 1999, birthing centers have experienced significant growth. Indeed, more and more women are choosing to give birth naturally, without recourse to medicine.

Midwifery care is offered free of charge to women covered by the Régie de l’assurance-maladie du Québec (RAMQ). However, the waiting lists are quite long. It is therefore important to take the necessary steps as soon as possible if you wish to use this service.

Information to know

  • When you choose to give birth in a birthing center, the delivery is done in a completely natural way. You cannot use an epidural. However, it is possible to manage the pain with natural methods such as massages, baths, acupressure, breathing.
  • Women accepted for midwifery care must be in good health and their pregnancy must not present any risk or complication;
  • In the event of complications or obstructed labor, the midwife will transfer you to the nearest hospital.

Trouvez une sage-femme
J’ai choisi d’accoucher à la maison de naissance, car je ne pouvais accoucher à la maison et il était hors de question que je réaccouche à l’hôpital. L’ambiance de la maison de naissance était parfaite. Le calme, le confort, la grande chambre, toutes les femmes qui y travaillaient. Je m’y sentais en confiance, en sécurité. Je voulais un accouchement plus humain et je l’ai eu. On a été traité aux petits oignons.
Lors de mon suivi sage-femme pour ma 2e grossesse, nous avons choisi, moi et mon conjoint, la maison de naissance pour accueillir notre enfant. Je ne voulais pas aller à l’hôpital, car je voulais rester loin de la « tentation » de la péridurale. Je n’étais par contre pas à l’aise d’accoucher chez moi, car nous vivons dans un bloc appartement. Ça a été une très belle expérience de donner naissance dans la belle chambre confortable de la maison de naissance. Si c’était à refaire, j’accoucherais cependant chez moi, pour éviter les déplacements, et parce que j’ai totalement confiance en mes sages-femmes.

You can choose to give birth

At home

At home

At the birth centre

At the birth centre

At the hospital

At the hospital