The choice of birthplace

Midwives are the only professionals in Quebec who offer women the choice of birthplace. The futur parents have the opportunity to experience this moment at home, in a birthing center or in the hospital.

Wondering what would be best for you? We invite you to read this document developed by the Association of Ontario Midwives to evaluate your choice of birthing location.

You can choose to give birth

At home

At home

at a birth centre

at a birth centre

at the hospital

at the hospital

The choice of birthplace does not need to be made at the start of the pregnancy care. Every woman can take the time to think about it and discuss it with her midwife. Thus, she will be able to choose the place that best suits her needs.

No matter which setting you choose, the important thing is that you are comfortable with your decision. Keep in mind, however, that even if you plan everything perfectly, your birth may not go as you planned. At any time, last-minute unforeseen events may occur and it is important to be prepared for this possibility.

Regardless of the birthplace, the midwife brings all the necessary equipment.

“The ability to choose the birthplace is extremely important because it ensures that each setting offers safety and support conditions comparable to the others.”

— Isabelle Brabant, Midwife and author

You can choose to give birth

At home

At home

At the birth centre

At the birth centre

At the hospital

At the hospital

Midwifery services

Free care is gaining popularity

Midwifery care is offered free of charge to women covered by the Régie de l’assurance-maladie du Québec (RAMQ). Since the profession of midwifery was legalized in 1999, the demand for midwifery care has been growing steadily.

Currently, there are not enough midwives in Quebec to meet the demand. It is therefore important to apply as soon as possible if you wish to use this service.

For me, childbirth is based on confidence in life, in oneself and in one’s body, in one’s baby and in one’s family, and towards the people who accompany us. Because of their specialty, their humanity, because they believe that any childbirth must be experienced with respect, calm, confidence and free choice, midwives were the only professionals to accompany me on this wonderful journey. At my first birth, having just moved into my new home, I had chosen to go to the birth center, especially since the possibility of a water birth interested me enormously. Finally, after several hours, I had to be transferred to the hospital. My experience of accompaniment in both settings then encouraged me to experience my second birth at home, with my whole family, which was for me one of the most enriching experiences of my entire life.