At home

People who wish to give birth at home may do so assisted by midwives. These deliveries have been governed by a regulation of the Midwifery Act since April 2005. Mothers and their families may therefore receive all the necessary assistance at home, with the collaboration of the health services.

A home birth, like birth centres, is as safe as giving in the hospital. However, it is only offered to healthy people with normal pregnancies. This represents approximately 85% of pregnancies.

Home births are also practised safely in a large number of industrialized countries such as the United States, England and the Netherlands.

Three essential conditions to be able to give birth at home

  • Your residence must be located 30 minutes from a hospital;
  • You must have access to a telephone;
  • Your pregnancy should not present any risk or complication.

Other conditions may be required. Do not hesitate to discuss this with your midwife.

Professionnelles de la santé reconnuesLe Regroupement Les Sages-Femmes du Québec (RSFQ) Dédié à ses membresEN SAVOIR PLUSLe Regroupement Les Sages-Femmes du Québec (RSFQ) est l'association professionnelle des sages-femmes du Québec. Il travaille au développement de la profession et défend le libre choix des lieux d’accouchement pour les femmes. Alors que l’Ordre des sages-femmes du Québec encadre la profession, le RSFQ est le porte-parole officiel des sages-femmes exerçant leur profession légalement au Québec auprès du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS).
Did you know that you do not need to be referred by your doctor to consult a midwife?
Plusieurs raisons amènent les femmes à choisir d’accoucher à la maison

There are several reasons why women choose to give birth at home

The choice to give birth at home is very personal. The reasons differ from one woman to another. Childbirth is a physiological process that is sensitive to the environment and stress. Here are some of the reasons for this choice:

  • Be supported by the midwife throughout the process;
  • Avoid having to deal with several different people and medical staff who change shifts
  • Seeing the baby being born in a warm atmosphere;
  • Welcoming the baby into your home;
  • Giving birth in a familiar environment, with the support of loved ones;
  • Choosing the way to give birth (in your room, in the water, with your family, etc.);
  • Reduce the risk of infection in the newborn by not being in a hospital;
  • Welcoming the baby in a calm environment with as few people as possible, without being rushed or given medication.
At around 36 weeks, I decided to give birth at home. My house seemed to me the best place to give birth, because the material is the same as at the birth centre. My surroundings were familiar, I didn’t have to move around after giving birth, and I was far from hospital germs. I felt ready to live this adventure with my partner and my midwife because she knew how to give me confidence without putting pressure. The choice came to me naturally, throughout my pregnancy.
What could be more natural for me and my spouse than to choose to welcome our child into our home. It is the place where I feel good, safe and confident. This trust allows you to experience childbirth according to your choices, your values and not those of the environment in which you find yourself. And what a magical moment these first minutes of life that we contemplate from the very place where the child was created. Thank you to the midwives for allowing me to live this wonderful experience.
For me, childbirth is based on confidence in life, in oneself and in one’s body, in one’s baby and in one’s family, and towards the people who accompany us. Because of their specialty, their humanity, because they believe that any childbirth must be experienced with respect, calm, confidence and free choice, midwives were the only professionals to accompany me on this wonderful journey. At my first birth, having just moved into my new home, I had chosen to go to the birth center, especially since the possibility of a water birth interested me enormously. Finally, after several hours, I had to be transferred to the hospital. My experience of accompaniment in both settings then encouraged me to experience my second birth at home, with my whole family, which was for me one of the most enriching experiences of my entire life.
Twenty-two years ago, I made the choice to give birth at home. What a beautiful moment in my life to have chosen the accompaniment of a midwife! I liked the approach which was human, respectful and of unequaled experience. She supported me, listened to me and was of a professionalism comparable to that of a doctor.

You can choose to give birth

At home

At home

At a birth centre

At a birth centre

At the hospital

At the hospital