May 9, 2023 | As part of the health care reform project, Québec Solidaire deputy Vincent Marissal, the second opposition group’s health care critic, tabled a motion in the National Assembly. This motion, which aims to preserve the gains and the foundations of midwifery in Quebec, was adopted unanimously.
“That the National Assembly mark the International Day of the Midwife, celebrated on May 5;
That it recall that one of the objectives of the Quebec Perinatal Policy is to reduce avoidable obstetrical interventions and that midwifery is a means to achieve this;
That it take note of the fact that many women who wish to have midwifery services are unable to access these services;
That the National Assembly ask the government to ensure that Bill 15 continues to guarantee these front-line professionals their autonomy of practice;
That finally, the National Assembly asks the government to perpetuate the gains made by midwives in their ability to effectively organize their services in collaboration with other professionals and with families and communities.”
A press conference was held just before the motion was tabled. Josyane Giroux, midwife and president of the Regroupement Les sages-femmes du Québec, and Sarah Landry, coordinator of the Coalition pour la pratique sage-femme, were at the side of Québec Solidaire deputy, Vincent Marissal. You can watch it here.
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